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5.11.2006 Seinäjoki int. show (judge Harald Aune)
Firehouse's Kind of Fullback 2 HP
Firehouse's Great Fullback exc 2
Nalle's daughters did well again:
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, best bitch, CACIB, BOB, BIG-1
Pinewater's Adventuress exc 2, 2nd best bitch, res-CACIB

4.11.2006 Espoo Puppy Show (judge Saija Juutilainen)
Firehouse's Kind of Fullback 1 HP, BOS-puppy

21.10.2006 Vihti Finnish Dalmatian Club's Puppy Show and Open Show 
Puppy Show (judge Matti Luoso, kennel O'Soul)
Firehouse's Kind of Fullback 1 HP, BOS-puppy
Open Show (Judge Tarja Tuomisto, kennel Tachetee)
Firehouse's Frantic Fullback exc 1 and 2nd best male. His progeny class 2nd + HP.
Nalle's daughters did well: Gracilis Higher Power was BIS and Gracilis Gold Chocolate was 3rd best bitch.

30.9.2006 Hyvinkää Puppy Show (judge Leila Kärkäs)
Firehouse's Kind of Fullback 1 HP, BOS-puppy

24.9.2006 Lahti Puppy Show (judge Leni Nousiainen)
Firehouse's Kind of Fullback 1 HP, BOB-puppy, BIG-2

17.9.2006 Hyvinkää (judge Martin Johansson)
Gracilis Hearts On Fire exc 1, 4th best bitch
Pinewater's Blue Jeans Baby exc 1, 2nd best bitch, CC
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, best bitch BOB

17.9. 2006 Köyliö (judge Ligita Zake)
Nalle's son Gracilis Grand Slam exc 1, 2nd best male, CC

9.9.2006 Porvoo (judge Anita Whitmarsh)
Nalle's (Frantic Fullback) daughters had a good day:
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, best bitch, BOB, BIG-2
Gracilis Higher Power exc 1, 2nd best bitch, CC, BOB-junior, BIS-3 junior
Gracilis Hearts On Fire exc 2, 4th best bitch, res-CC

Gracilis Girl Power, photo: Laura Ripatti

BOB breeders class kennel Gracilis
(Girl Power, Gold Chocolate, Higher Power & Hearts On Fire)
photo: Tanja Pietilä

27.8.2006 Hämeenlinna int. show (judge Bozena Ovesna)
Pinewater's Blue Jeans Baby exc 1, 2nd best bitch, res-CACIB, res-CC

20.8.2006 Heinola (judge Theo Leenen)
Gracilis Hearts On Fire vg 3
Pinewater's Blue Jeans Baby exc 2

19.8.2006 Kouvola (judge Zlatko Kraljic)
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, best bitch, BOS

13.8.2006 Imatra (judge Harri Lehkonen)
Gracilis Hearts On Fire exc 1, 2nd best bitch, CC
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, best bitch, BOB, BIG-3

5.8.2006 Ikaalinen (judge Markku Mähönen)
Nalle's (Frantic Fullback) daughters had a good day:
Gracilis Hearts On Fire exc 1, 2nd best bitch, CC
Gracilis Gold Chocolate exc 1, 4th best bitch
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, best bitch, BOB, BIG-2br

At the Kuopio int show Gracilis Higher Power exc 1, best bitch, CC, BOS

30.7.2006 Mikkeli int. show (judge Eugen Megelea)
Firehouse's Great Fullback exc 1, 2nd best male, res-CACIB

29.7.2006 Ruukki (judge Ritva Raita)
Firehouse's Just a Fullback exc 1, 2nd best male, res-CC

29.7.2006 Kotka (judge Ronald Besoff)
Gracilis Hearts On Fire exc 1
Pinewater's Blue Jeans Baby exc 2, 4th best bitch, res-CC
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, best bitch, BOB, BIG-3

23.7.2006 Mäntsälä (judge: Matti Luoso)
Gracilis Hearts on Fire exc 2, 3rd best bitch, res-CC

23.7.2006 Pöytyä (judge: Juhani Lappi)
Nalle's (Frantic Fullback) daughter Gracilis Gold Chocolate exc 1, best bitch, CC, BOB, BIG-3.

16.7.2006 Jyväskylä (judge August de Wilde)
Firehouse's Great Fullback exc 1, 2nd best male
Gracilis Girl Power exc 3

9.7.2006 Karjaa (judge Markku Mähönen)
Gracilis Hearts On Fire exc 2, 3rd best bitch, res-CC
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, 2nd best bitch

8.7.2006 Jurva (judge Riitta Lahtovaara)
Gracilis Girl Power exc 1, best bitch, BOB, BIG-3

8.7.2006 Salo (judge Ligita Zake)
Gracilis Hearts On Fire exc 2
Pinewater�s Blue Jeans Baby exc 2

1.7.2006 Ypäjä (judge Anita Whitmarsh)
Nalle's (Frantic Fullback) daughter and the mother of our K-litter
Gracilis Girl Power was BOB and BIG-1 at her first show after
her litter born in March.

Firehouse's Just a Fullback exc 1, 2nd best male and res-CC.

10.6.2006 Nurmijärvi official club show (judges Peter Rance and Anne Bliss)
Firehouse�s In the Line of Fire vg 4
Firehouse�s Frantic Fullback exc
Firehouse�s Great Fullback exc
Gracilis Hearts on Fire vg
Pinewater�s Blue Jeans Baby exc 1, res-CC
Firehouse�s Hanoi Rocks exc

4.6.2006 M�ntt� (judge: Kirsti Lummelampi)
Firehouse�s Great Fullback exc 1, best male, BOB

28.5.2006 J�rvenp�� (judge: Jelena Kruus)
Firehouse�s Jerry Lee Lewis vg 2
Firehouse�s In the Line of Fire exc 1
Firehouse�s Frantic Fullback exc 2, 4th best male
Gracilis Hearts On Fire exc 2, 3rd best bitch, res-CC
Pinewater�s Blue Jeans Baby exc 1
Firehouse�s Hanoi Rocks exc 1, 4th best bitch

breeders class Firehouse�s 1 HP

28.5.2006 Joensuu (judge: Torbj�rn Granheim)
Firehouse�s Jailhouse Rock exc 1, 2nd best male, res-CC
Pinewater�s Adventuress exc 2, 2nd best bitch

27.5.2006 Joensuu (judge: Hans Almgren)
Pinewater�s Adventuress exc 1, best bitch, BOB

21.5.2006 Helsinki int. show (judge: Tiina Illukka)
Firehouse�s Hanoi Rocks exc 1
Gracilis Hearts on Fire vg 3

13.5.2006 Oulu (judge: Lorence Fahey)
Firehouse�s Just a Fullback exc 1, 4th best male, res-CC

13.5.2006 Ruovesi (judge: Jorma Silta)
Firehouse�s Johnny B. Goode exc 1, 2nd best male, res-CC

22.4.2006 Lahti int. show (judge: Leni Nousiainen)
Firehouse�s Hanoi Rocks exc 2, res-CC

25.3.2006 Parkano (judge: Paavo Mattila)
Firehouse�s Johnny B. Goode 1 HP, BOB-puppy

25.3.2006 Finnish Dalmatian Club�s puppy & junior show (judge: Pekka Teini)
Nalle�s (Frantic Fullback) daughter Gracilis Higher Power was BOB-junior and BIS
and her sister Hippie Girl was 3rd in the class with HP.

19.3.2006 Tampere int show (judge: Frans de Ridder)
Firehouse�s Great Fullback exc 3

14.3.2006 Firehouse�s K-litter was born 14th of March. More information on puppies-link.

Some show results from 2005:
Fin Ch Gracilis Girl Power was 5th top winning Dalmatian in Finland.
Fin Ch Firehouse�s Great Fullback was 12th.
Pinewater�s Blue Jeans Baby was 2nd top winning Dalmatian puppy in Finland.

12.2.2006 �ht�ri (judge: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen)
Firehouse�s Great Fullback exc 1 2nd best male

4.2.2006 Keuruu (judge: Paavo Mattila)
Pinewater�s Blue Jeans Baby exc 2 4th best bitch

21.1.2006 Turku int. show (judge: Michael Boothroyd)
Pinewater�s Blue Jeans Baby exc

15.1.2006 Puppy show Lahti (judge: Saija Juutilainen)
Gracilis Hearts on Fire "Rikke" 3 HP.
Rikke�s sister Higher Power 2 HP.
Firehouse�s Jailhouse Rock was 3rd and
Firehouse�s Jerry Lee Lewis 4th in male puppy class.

11.1.2006 Fin Ch Gracilis Girl Power was mated
by N & S Ch Dalming�s Hocus-Pocus.
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